
Oh My Cupcakes!

I had been reading about the Stuffed French Toast cupcake at Oh My Cupcakes! here in Sioux Falls all week...so, today was the day!
I went in...only to be told they were not on the line up today (SAD!) but then a sweet cupcake-superhero saved the day by telling me that she had one left and some cinnamon buttercream (gasp! cinnamon buttercream?!) that she could quick smear on ... it just wouldn't be pretty... of course, I agreed!

Sitting here in my post-cupcake high watching this week's ANTM on "Ugly-Pretty" - definitely this cupcake! But it totally didn't matter that it was a bit "Ugly-Pretty" (by the way, that's a good thing), it was AMAZING!!

Imagine your favorite cinnamon muffin, fill it with cream cheesy deliciousness and then top it with .... wait for it....

Thanks so much to the cupcake-superhero over at Oh My Cupcakes! for allowing me to have the last one!!

Oh, and Oakley had a little too - he also is a big fan!

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