
the one and only ... michael buble!

In an attempt to get my mind off the fact that my husband and I have been apart now since Oct. '09, I decided that a girls weekend was in order. Now, I am not one that has a huge gaggle of girls that I hang out with all the time...in fact, I very rarely hang out with anyone other than my family (some say that's sad, but that's just been my whole life). So, when I heard Michael Buble was coming to Minneapolis/St. Paul, I knew exactly who I would go with - my mom and my aunt Cathy!
Cathy had a heart and kidney transplant 2 years ago and we hadn't had a girls weekend since about 6 months before that, so we were all definitely due...
The weekend consisted of shopping, eating(!), shopping, eating, and going to see Michael Buble.

Now even though Cathy has been through the craziest surgery ever, she still has random fears that no one understands...one of those being a fear of walking down balcony stairs scared that she is going to fall and fall all the way down to the lower level...right, completely rational. So we get to our (awesome!) seats and she cannot bring herself to walk down the stairs - all the way through the opening act - Naturally 7 - AMAZING group! Eventually, after a bit of waterworks on my part and some buddying up with the ushers (Tom H - you rock!), she got down there, and the concert was unbelievable!
And I cried - Home...never really paid attention to the lyrics until I am belting them out with Michael Buble, bawling my eyes out! lol. If you haven't heard the song, definitely check it out!
Here's a picture of us girls after the concert!

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