
In the Army Now...

I finally finished my first big project - a military jacket for Oakley to match Jeff's new ACUs.
Jeff even ordered a name plate to make it official. Oakley worked with Jeff at the recruiting office this week "in uniform" and was pretty proud of himself...well, he should be, he was promoted from 2nd Lt. to a 1-star general in a matter of a few hours...

Oakley is still a mama's boy though, he wanted to escape to the rest of the mall and go shopping...


My first real project!

So, I have been planning this one for about a week and finally got to do it! I found a cute little jacket at Petco for Oakley and when I saw it, I knew immediately that I wanted to make it into a little Olympics track jacket...mission accomplished.

I initially thought I would just get some iron-on letters and call it done, but apparently it is not particularly advised to iron on this velour type of material. So, I talked to the awesome Sara over at Heirloom Creations and she told me that I could just make my own!
I used the Quickcutz Silhouette to design and cut out the template for my letters.

Then I used some web interfacing (first time!!) and ironed it to the fabric (wrong-side...very important!).

Then I sewed around the letters with a straight stitch (that looked surprisingly good!) and it's done!!! Oakley is so excited to wear it and I can't wait to say that I made it (def. better than those darn iron-on letters!)